Target your trouble spots with treatments from a qualified plastic surgeon in the Boise area
Despite your best efforts to eat well and exercise regularly, you may still have a few “trouble spots” on your body that are impacting your confidence. Certain areas of the body can stubbornly hold onto pockets of fat, no matter how hard you hit the gym. This is where plastic surgery can help you achieve a silhouette you’re happy with.
A liposuction treatment from a qualified plastic surgeon can smooth out those stubborn areas so you can feel good wherever you go, whether it’s the beach, backyard, or boardroom.
How does liposuction work?
Liposuction is a proven method of plastic surgery that over half a million people choose every year to help them achieve the appearance they want. This procedure aims to shape and contour specific areas of the body, so it’s most appropriate for people who have a BMI in the recommended range and aren’t looking to lose a significant amount of weight.
There are two types of liposuction: traditional liposuction and SmartLipo. Traditional liposuction involves making incisions at the trouble areas and inserting a small tube that gently suctions out fat. SmartLipo uses a laser to dissolve the fat which makes it easier to suction from the body and also provides a few other benefits, such as tightening the skin. Your plastic surgeon can discuss your options and help you choose which method is best for you.
What are the most popular areas for liposuction?
While every area on your body is a potential candidate for liposuction, there are some areas that are frequently requested among patients.
Tummy and waist
Fat in this area is often referred to as “love handles” but few people love the look they create. Unwanted fat can roll over the waistband of your pants and diminish the flat, smooth tummy and waistline you’re hoping to achieve. Liposuction eliminates the fat for a trim and shapely figure.
Thighs and hips
“Hip dips” and heavy thighs can often be a matter of genes, which means no amount of exercise can get rid of them. Liposuction gently contours these areas to create a sculpted and streamlined look that evens out your proportions.
Excess fat in the back appears in the form of rolls that show up when you try to wear slim-fitting or tight clothing, such as a swimsuit or tank top. Once again, exercise can’t do much to eliminate these bulges, but liposuction can quickly achieve the flat, slender look you want.
Find a plastic surgeon in the Boise, Idaho area
Are you interested in getting rid of your trouble spots through liposuction? The Rodgers Center for Plastic Surgery can help you navigate your options. Schedule your consultation today.