Rhinoplasty, popularly known as a ‘nose job’ is a common cosmetic procedure that isn’t complex and high-risk. It’s favored by many to help provide a better balanced and symmetrical look on the face. Though most rhinoplasty procedures are cosmetic, it also involves helping fix abnormalities in the nose that make breathing challenging.
Let’s take a look at the six most popular reasons for rhinoplasty below, in no particular order:
Straighten out the dorsal hump
The dorsal hump on your nose is one of the most popular rhinoplasty corrective procedures. This procedure looks to smooth out the hump so that, especially from the side angle the nose is quite a lot sharper and straighter. How complicated of a procedure that’s carried out depends on whether it’s primarily bone or cartilage that needs to be surgically removed.
Lift nasal tip
The nasal tip usually points down on many individuals and as a result, its a common request to have this nasal tip lifted to provide a much sharper feature. A simple procedure, adjusting the nasal tip can have a big change in the overall profile of the nose.
Make the bulbous tip more subtle
As you age, the bulbous tip can become more pronounced and round. This then can make the overall profile of the nose unappealing. As a result, rhinoplastic procedures can be carried out that try to refine the nasal tip and ensure that its size is kept proportional.
Fix a deviated septum
A deviated septum can be challenging and impede critical functions such as breathing. Because of this, fixing a deviated septum is less a cosmetic procedure and more one that improves the quality of life and health. This is considered a rhinoplastic procedure and can also improve the overall symmetry of the nose and profile.
Adjust the size of the nose
We’ve all wondered whether our nose is big or small, and the size of the nose in relation to the overall face can make it look quite pronounced. Many are not a fan of this and prefer to undergo a procedure that helps to reduce the size of the nose. This procedure is typically a combination of many of the other ones mentioned.
Contour the nasal bridge
Contouring the nasal bridge involves trying to make the nasal bridge a lot flatter and narrower. This helps to contour the nose and give it a more symmetrical look in conjunction with the overall face. The procedure can also help give the face a narrower look.